Saturday, April 23, 2016

Losing Dear Friends

Have you ever lost someone who used to be very close to you? Someone whom you think you couldn't live without? Now when I say lose, I don't mean losing the person to death, I mean losing the person to other forces such as ego, anger, childishness/immaturity, etc

This happened to me a while back, I had this friend I was very cool with. Very cool o. She was one of the very few friends that I used to hangout with. You know you have friends that you don't talk to everyday, but on days you do, you flow like there was never a break in communication between you. She was that kind of friend. Losing such friends hurt especially when you don't know what really went wrong.....

She was one of those in whom you could relay your deepest fears, She was one of those you could be goofy with, but hey .......... life happened.

Till this day, I still wonder what went wrong............. 

Maybe I didn't reach out as I should have (I know, I'm terrible at following up with friends, my good friends know that and take me as I am *covers face*)

Maybe I shouldn't have ignored the warning signs......

Maybe I was just being heady...........

Maybe, just maybe..........................................the friendship wasn't meant to be.

I keep thinking about this, but I have no answers yet. Maybe someday, the answers will come, but in the meantime, I'll just focus on being me, developing myself, being more caring, less impatient and enjoying life to the fullest..

So tell me, have you lost a friend before (not to death o)?
What happened?
How did you cope?
I'd love to hear from you.
Till next time...
Peace and love


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Mr Know It All

I know a loquacious big man

As loud as Mars

Who has a need to be heard whatever it takes

He always has something to say in every conversation

And likes to be the champion..................................

He has a story for everyone, be it false or true

He likes to be in peoples' faces, and I'm sure we all agree

That even though we laugh with him, we have a name for him

The one who likes to talk is known as Mr Know It All.................................

We all have that friend or colleague who fits the above description perfectly. They want to contribute to every conversation, and are not good at listening. They always have a story to tell.

They just love being the center of attraction. In fact they get upset if they make suggestions, and their suggestions are ignored ( who suggestion don epp?)

 They like to tell big stories about every situation,,and seems to know everybody (they also know some fictitious people). I know about this because I know a Mr-Know-It-All *****drum roll***

Yes I do............. and I must say he can be very annoying. He has a need to talk, that at times I think he likes to hear his voice ( If you've met a know-it-all before, you'll understand me). I absolutely dread going to meetings with him in attendance, because a 15 minute meeting will end up being 1 hour.

The only saving grace is that he's practically one of the nicest persons I've met in my whole life. the only but is his "Know-it-all" attitude.

P.S: If you do not know anyone, it means that YOU are the Know-It-All (mischievous grins)

So tell me, do you know any Mr or Miss Know-it-all?

How do you cope with them?

Your comments and suggestions are welcome.

Till my next post.

Peace and Love


Wednesday, April 6, 2016

There was a country!!!

Once upon a time, they said that one dollar was equal to one naira ( I think I heard that $2=N1 at some point...... well, maybe before I was born)
Once upon a time, they said that you could easily and comfortably take a train from Ojuelegba to Ibadan.
Once upon a time, they said visa wasn't needed to travel to the UK.
There was a country!!!!!

Once upon a time, we were the giant of Africa (supposedly.........).
Once upon a time, 24/7 electricity was the norm, and not a luxury.
Once upon a time, university graduates didn't struggle to get jobs.
Once upon a time, buying fuel was as simple as A,B,C.......
There was a country!!!!!!!!!!!!

Once upon a time, we had leaders who cared about the citizens (or at least they pretended to care.........)
Once upon a time, we had journalists with scruples, that would post, and publish only the truth.
Once upon a time, we cared for one another as friends, neighbours and fellow humans.
Once upon a time...................................
Oh There was a country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where did we go wrong?
When did we lose all our values?
How did we lose our values?
When did we lose our sense of compassion?
When did we become the vulture that we are now?
How I wish we could go back to these old times!!!!!!
My dear country Nigeria, How I wish, we could restore all the lost hopes and values.

Oh How I wish, we could go back to the "Once upon a times!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 4, 2016


Have you ever reflected on the happenings in your day, and thought of turning back time, so you could change a particular moment, situation, conversation or behaviour?

I know this happens to me almost all the time, as I sometimes don't know when to keep quiet. I review my day, and think of a certain event that occurred, and I end up chastising myself, like: "Lola why didn't you reply Mr X in this way" or "babes you shouldn't have reacted the way you did, when Bee said what she said"

I end up feeling really bad about some of my actions, and then decide to not react to those things again. Now I'm an 'all or nothing' kind of girl. It's either I go all out, or I don't go at all. Once I decide not to say act in a particular way again, I try 200% not to. Infact, I move away from anyone/ anything that seems like temptation to me. Let me give an instance where I was once trying to have a discussion with my colleague and friend, so I pulled him away from the crowd, and the guy said: "Kilo de t'on se fa mi? Se o fe naa mi ni?" In English, this means: Why are you pulling my hands, do you want to beat me ni? I was soooo dumbfounded, that I just quietly told him what I wanted to tell him, turned my back on him...................................Like I literally turned my back on him, the guy didn't know what hit him. He just realised that I stopped being friendly, and trust the extremist in me, I decided to milk the situation for all it was worth (mischievous grin).

So after my daily reviews, I almost always identify areas where I need to improve on,(my sharp mouth especially..... if you are close to me you'll know this) and I tell myself that I will improve, honestly I do, but.................................................... Gosh, it can be quite difficult, especially if you are like me, and your mouth is your major weapon.

I can honestly say that this daily reviews have helped especially because I don't like feeling foolish or guilty for acting in a particular way, and because it helps me avoid such awkward situations in future, though it sometimes feels like I have an affinity for awkward situations.

So tell me, have you ever felt like turning back the hands of time? Does this happen often, or as one-off situations?

Let me hear from you.


Saturday, April 2, 2016

My sub-conscious mind: Good or Bad?

Have you ever watched a movie or read a novel, and your subconscious mind twists the plot later on?
It happens to me practically all the time especially because I have an over-active imagination.. My subconscious mind practically puts me in the movie/ novel, and I change the plot to suit myself............ all in my sub consciousness.

Since I know that I have this particular characteristic, I tend not to read nor watch certain types of novels/movies. I absolutely DO NOT watch horror movies, neither do I read thrillers or hard core fiction.
It so happened that I was ill a few days back, and I had to stay off work for a couple of days. Now I am a very hyper-active person, so if I find myself stuck without work, I get bored............ almost to death. So here I am, weak, just recovering, and bored. To cure my boredom, I decided to watch a movie................................................................................................................... Now I don't watch movies unless I am absolutely jobless or bored, the way I was on this particular day, so I set out in search of an interesting movie to watch. After a few minutes,I came across the Harry Potter Series on my brother's laptop, so I decided against my better judgement to watch all the movies, from HP and the Philosopher's stone, to HP and the deathly hallows. Fantastic you'd say? NO!!!! It happened to be one of the greatest mistakes I'll make this year.

The movie was absolutely fantabulous if I say so myself. I recognised almost everyone from the book and I must say that my imagination of how quidditch should be played, was spot on, although a bit to the extreme( I know, my imagination works overtime).
I'm sure you'll be asking yourselves what the issues I had with the movie was? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

 It was veryyyy interesting, until the flashes gave me a headache the size of China, and I became an older version of Hermione in my dreams ( I had to be Hermione, cos I'm smart like that *tongue out*). So I slept after watching HP 1 and 2, and all of a sudden, I became Hermione and I was on an adventure with Harry and Ron. I had such a restless sleep that I woke up worse off than before I slept.
Here I am, just recovering from malaria, and I was trying to uncover the secrets behind the Philosopher's stone with Harry and Ron.................... Needless to say, I felt battered and bruised when I woke up, especially after I fought off 'You Know Who' in one episode. (laughs)

Alright, enough of my ramblings. Let me know, does this happen to you also, or am I a weirdo? Am I the only one whose subconscious mind twists a plot to suit her?
Your comments and feedback are welcome!!!!